More than 70% companies consider people analytics to be a high priority. People analytics involves the application of advanced analytics and large data sets for talent management. Today businesses are applying analytics to processes such as recruiting and ...
Holistic Marketing and Small Business
As Aristotle spread, "the whole is more than the sum of that part." This ancient philosophy has recently become more accepted in marketing. According to this concept, a business is not a combination of several departments that must functi ...
Importance of Buyer Persona for Business
You know your customers very well. Right? I am sure, you must. After all, the customer is the focal point for any business. Perfect! So let’s explore the importance of buyer persona for business in some more detail!
Why is Data Analytics Important?
What gets measured, gets managed." -Peter Drucker This quote by the late management guru, Peter Drucker, represents why most companies invest in data analytics. How can you manage or optimize your business initiatives if you are not measuring their ou ...
American Rescue Plan for Small Business
President Joe Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act into a law on March 11th, 2021. Officials of the administration and leaders of various associations have claimed that the $ 1.9 trillion plan should be transformational. The key will be to fully util ...
Data Analytics And Society
It is high time we started thinking of Data Analytics and Society as two inseparable components of our ecosystem. In the 21st century technology and data analytics with tools like artificial Intelligence, machine learning & deep learning have great po ...
5 Small Business Challenges That (Truly) Matter
When I started working on the concept of Vision Fulfill Digital Consulting, one the first obvious questions I wanted answer was “What problem will I solve for my clients?” Like in most cases these days, my quest to find answers started with a Google searc ...
Why Some Start-ups Make it Big (and Others Don’t)?
Over the last few years, some CEO and start-up founders have experienced success, while there is a subset of these start-ups that don’t succeed at all. Certain factors are consistently observed in the start-ups that have failed. Today, in this blogpost, we will briefly discuss why some start-ups fails while other succeed.